Monday 28 March 2011


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and 
conventions of real media products?
When we started preparations for production we looked into various genres of films and the different aspects which were key to each genre of film. For instance horror films will tend to have dark settings, low lighting and sharp loud sounds that build up tension, as for props and general mise en scene there is a macabre and dark trend, i.e blood sharp objects generally knives blades etc. Horrors tend to be aimed at the 15+ age group as they aim to be edgy films appealing to the adrenaline seeking teens and adults. Action films tend to have fast, sharp shots, this helps to create tension and build upon it making the viewer on edge. Typical mise en scene you'd expect with action films would be fast cars, guns and a good looking girl. A good example of this would be the "Fast and Furious" series of films which have all 3 of those mise en scene trends, the fast shots help to create the impression of how fast the cars are going for the audience. Comedy films are aimed to make the audience laugh, they can do this by relating the film to issues and stereotypes in society and adding some humor to the situation or they can create a spoof, some examples of this could be films such as epic movie, airplane or police academy.
After researching into the different genres we as a group decided on horror initially, after the first draft we decided because our actors had strong personalities we decided to do a horror/comedy hybrid as I felt our actors could play these humorous roles.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
When it came to deciding which social group our movie was aimed at we decided that we were going to aim it a specific age group because it was a horror we went for the age of 15+ however during production we decided to add a comedy feel so all age groups would enjoy watching our production. In the beginning we have Ranjit with the costume trying to spy on Husaam. The sounds in the backgroung help build suspense and tension. The tension builds for the audience when Husaam realises Ranjit is trying to spy on him so he approach Ranjit from behind. Then the conversation between us two shows the weirdness and craziness of Ranjit. The comedy then takes over where they exchange a couple of insults and jokes and then I get chased around the graveyard by Ranjit. The most funny bit for the audience in my opinion would be the mental breakdown Ranjit goes through after Husaam escapes from Ranjits grasp..

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I Am Bruce' could possible start of a movie festival BFI London movie festival or Raindance film festival, being in the top 5 film picks for the year. Then making it on to the big screen in cinema’s around the UK and possible the world. Then being able to buy on DVD, online at websites like and, also shops like HMV and the big chain supermarkets.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience for ‘I Am Bruce’ is generally aimed at young adults in there late teens, 16 – 24. Due to most horror comedies are aimed at young adults in the age span of 16 – 24, because of the ability to use blood and body parts. Even though the age range it is aimed at it 16- 24, I recon it will still appeal to multiple audiences, for example couples, and families with older children. The main group of people I think are attracted more are people who often go to the cinemas, also people who often use the internet, who are quiet modern with technology.

How did you attract/address your audience?
The way of attracting the audience to want to watch ‘I Am Bruce’, it promotes the use of creatures from the unknown, and the idea of an eary graveyard helps to create the comedy aspect to the film, built with the idea of death, which creates suspense through out the fist 2 minutes.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Typography - Film Titles

When it came to creating the font for our film we decided to look into other films and how there titles tie in with the genre of their film.

Straight away we know that this film is aimed at children from the bright yellow and orange colouring along with the wavy block lettering which implies fun and happiness.The waves also suggest that this movie is about adventure. The film location is also given away in the font with the "Escape 2 Africa" written in a stick font which is usually associated with Africa.
We then looked at film titles along the lines of the same genre of our own production, below is an image from the world renown horror film "SAW"

As you can see there is a distinct difference in the fonts style and colouring.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Costume & Character Developement

A major part and role of our film is the unknown "monster", this means we have to develope the character/role extensively. The group has chosen a base point we can develope upon in the form of the dementors from harry potter, below is a video with a dementor to show the bases of the role.

Basic Action Plan - Filming

Below is a quick timeline of our filming process from the start of our costume assembly process

Friday 14 January 2011

Initial Script For Film

Tomas walking on Cowley Road, walking looking around in suspicion that someone is following him. Tomas walks through the gate that leads to the graveyard. He walks further into the graveyard in shock, and pulls a confused face where to go.
Tomas turns round and suddenly shouts as he gets hit.

Who are you, who are you”

The unknown character
“Your worst nightmare”  

Tomas gets up, and starts running forward not knowing where he’s going to end.
He starts crawling up the stepped cross statue. He turns around.

“Don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me”

The unknown character

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Equipment/Software & Props

A range of equipment and software was used in the production of our film.
here i have listed what we have used. We used this to collect information on films in the horror genre. Images of props and costumes where also easily obtained through this. The majority of people from our school are connected to this social network site,this made it easy for us to conduct our audiance research.This was much more effecttive then creating and distributing a questionare

We would be using a video camera, camera and tripod. All of the hardware would be borrowed from school.

Video Camera


Nikon Coolpix L10 Camera

  • 5 megapixel digital camera
  • 3x optical zoom
  • Movie mode with sound
  • JPEG file format
  • ISO 64-800
  • Auto focus and exposure
  • 2 AA batteries
  • Secure Digital Memory Card (7MB internal)
  • 2.0-inch LCD