Friday 26 November 2010

Current Products

The Wolfman - Opening scence
At the beginning of the scene, the camera is zooms in stone with narrative speech, which is spoken. The camera closes up to the circle on stone, which fades into a moon, creating a flashback scene. The camera zooms out of the moon, and slowly shows the landscape. High camera angle to low shot of the person with the light, this indicates that someone is watching, and shows that the character is less powerful. Then the long shot side view of the man walking with the lamp, which reveals the surrounding around him. The camera slowly closes up angle, and zooms in. Up front shot angle of the camera zooms on his face, showing his expression of fear. Following with quick shot of the birds flying of ground, and back to his face, implying he’s shook by his face expression. As he turns around, a quick reverse shot is applied, of the person getting scratched by the claws of the wolf. Long shot side view is applied showing the person running away. Following with close up shot of the face, bleeding severely, and then zooms on the person’s feet running. Reverse shot is applied from the claws, showing the person running in front. As the person reaches the steps, the camera is positioned as overhead, indicating something bad is going to happen. The person walking up the stairs, overhead view, and then the camera zooms on the wolf’s feet. The camera applies a medium shot, which shows the person’s features and body language. The camera then zooms in to the wolf’s face, and as the wolf goes to bite the person the camera backs out and sinks into the camera. After a few seconds the camera zooms on title “The Wolfman” on a tombstone.

The lighting of the scene is very dark and spooky, which has a glow which is shining from the moon. The person who is holding the lamp in the dark makes the start more suspense. The light is shining throughout the black dark, makes the audience suspect that something terrible and horrific is going to take place.
At the beginning of the movie, the sound effect is very spooky and terrifying; the music is similar to low cords which are being played continuously. When the person is walking, the steps of the sound, and twigs getting crushed below, and as he moves the lamp, the rusty lamp squeaks. A sudden noise, like a something just fallen from the trees, which terrified the birds and they fly off. When the person turns around, the wolf scratches him with his claws, and the sound of the scratch is more exaggerated which makes the audience jump. This also creates more tension. As the person is running away, and the music starts get faster, and include a drum sound, similar to a hear beating slowly. This indicates that he’s going to die.

 Camera cuts/Transitions
There are a few camera cuts in the start of the scene, for instance, as the person walking with the lamp, from a high to view, suddenly goes to a long shot, showing the surroundings and the person walking. Moreover, when the person gets clawed by the wolf, and starts running, and the camera angle changes to long shot, to mid shot, and then zooming to his steps as he runs. The screen direction has been excellent, as the three different camera cut, and flows perfectly shot to shot. The continuality of the driven cut of the pacing of the timing is also just right, which does not include any continuity or cut errors. In addition, as the person is walking in the forest in the dark spooky forest, the audience can understand the environment. The illusion of continually would keep the attention and their imagination fills in the rest.

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